February ...
It's always exciting starting a new month. You can't help but feel motivated to plan goals for the weeks ahead or start doing something you've always wanted to do. It's just like having a fresh start every month.
... February makes me ...
Excited about:
Read: the gorgeous classic, "Little Women" by Louisa May Alcott. I am part way into this book and highly recommend it as a lighthearted read. The four sisters in this book make me realise how important it is to be thankful and joyful no matter what worldly possessions you may or may not have.
- Weddings - tomorrow I venture off to the beautiful Southern Highlands for wedding #1, featuring the adorable Ellen & Marcus. (did someone say rrrroadtripppp?!)
- Turning 21 - My family has this great tradition where the person having a birthday gets to pick something different/crazy/fun to do. I still have no idea what I'm going to pick, but I'm not sure I can compete with my Uncle taking us to the "Dapto Dogs" or venturing to the "Glow worm Glen" for my Aunties birthday. We are one kooky family!
- Valentines Day - I think this is one of my favourite holidays! It is filled with romantic gestures, hearts & delicious treats. I can't wait for the day when I live in America and get to celebrate every holiday to a whole new, OTT level!
Photo via eighteen25
Look forward to: making a decision about uni - tossing up between two different degrees, B. of Commerce - Event Management and a Diploma of Spanish. My heart says, why not do both?
Want: to go & see Les Miserable` at the movies. I have heard such good things about this movie and am dying to go and check it out. Did you know that all the singing through this Musical is recorded live, not mimed like in every other movie (when I found that Musicals were mimed to I was so sad! Almost as sad as when I found out Zac Efron doesn't even sing in HSM1! Boo ... But hooray for Les Mis!)
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